Author Archives: Crystal

Adrienne and Family

On Sunday I did family pictures that were way too easy to have covered three generations, three families and two children. Seriously these guys were a joy to work with and the beautiful leaves and weather just made everything ideal. Adrienne you images are ready online! Love this one! I love it when I see...

I Shot My Mailman

Last week I showed up for a shoot only to find out that the husband/father there for family pictures is one of our mailmen, so of course I am takign advantage of the fact I could make a fun title for this post. 🙂 On another note, all of you who have sessions booked please...

Foreman Mini Session

On Saturday I did a mini session with Micah, Jill and Baby Bennett for there Christmas cards. Jill is so creative and always full of ideas, I love it! She had made some fun items to used during their session. Thanks for being game for anything Jill! I call this one: “Merry Kiss-mas!” 🙂 So...

The Mayhall Kids

This past weekend Candice and I hung out with her kids at a nearby park. Beautiful light, superhero capes, and silliness came together with some way too gorgeous children for some great pictures. And sorry, I got a little collage happy, there were jus so many pictures I wanted to share! Jonah was really wanting...