Author Archives: Crystal

Another Bow and FREE SESSIONS!

Great news I am running a sale off my regular prices! When you purchase the hi resolution disk of images when booking your session from now until September 1st you will get your session FREE! Just pay for the disk and book with no session fee! Pass it along. Also, my first camera class is...

Baby George is Born

For all my Bradley families out there who are wondering about Maryanne and Brian’s new baby here he is! Poor Maryanne was off and on in labor from Friday night until 3am this morning when George arrived. I am so proud of your strength Maryanne! Here is is all 8 pounds and 15 ounces of...

Kellen 3 Months

I just love seeing my babies that I shot them in their momma’s bellies, at their births, and then again throughout their first year. Kellen is on of those sweet boys of mine and these are his 3 month pictures. Troy and Kelly thanks for letting me be a part of your memories! And thanks...

A Forgotten Play Date

Sometimes I find personal pictures when I am going through editing a shoot. Today was one such day, so I had to share these pics from a play date with some friends a few weeks ago. My kids have such great friends. Note that Siriana is giving me the “rock on” sign in the first...