Talent Show

Tonight was my son Josiah’s school talent show. He is in Kindergarten and loves to dance and enjoy music. He started hip hop with an awesome instructor “Ms. Kymmi” at the YMCA this past fall and decided he wanted to try out for his his school talent show. Here was his performance.

Back to Blogging: Ashland, Oregon Newborn Photographer

So if you follow me on Facebook, you might now that my sweet little family is getting a new member! You may also know I have spent the last 10-ish weeks in bed/on my couch due to some pretty monstrous pregnancy associated nausea and  I will spare you all the details. I am now back home and slowly starting back into my life and catching up on work, emails, taxes and all that other grown up stuff. :S Last week though I was able to photograph my first newborn as a non-zombie pregnant woman. And here she is, 2 weeks old and just a beautiful as she can be.

“Not another kiss Mom!” 🙂

Ita’s Birth

This past week Sarah and Alistair got the beautiful Christmas gift of a baby girl! Sarah was such a strong laboring mama and their dogs, especially their oldest dog, Maggie, a 13 year old golden retriever stayed close by all throughout labor. Maggie would even pant during  Sarah’s contractions and then lay her head down and rest in between along with her mama, it was amazing!

Here are some of Sarah’s pregnancy pictures and a slideshow of some of the images from her birth. Leave her and her little family some love!

Milo’s Birth: Ashland, Oregon Birth Photographer

In the wee hours of the morning I got to witness Milo’s birth in Ashland this morning. He was welcomed in the world at home with so much love! Here are some special moments in his birth. Congratulations Evan, Shayna and C’vara on a wonderful birth and thanks to Oak Grove Midwifery for their fabulous care! Please don’t forget to leave this family some love in the comments!