Category Archives: Families

O’Leary Pumpkins

John O’Leary was Brian and I’s youth pastor when Brian and I met, became friends and fell in love. He and his wife Ashley have been in our lives for a long time and now we all have kids, so weird! Anyways, John brought the kids into town and I got to do their pictures...

Christmas in October

I met the Riley family out at Lincoln Parish Park this last weekend to do their Christmas photo session. I like a girl who plans in advance, and Jennifer is that girl! Jennifer is one of the super moms who runs the Kool Kids Consignment Sale in Ruston each spring and fall and so graciously...

Caroline and Haley

Update: Anyone else wanting sessions this Thursday at the Pumpkin Patch details here: there is now only 1 spot available and it is at 2pm! You must pay and reserve a time to participate! You may request to be on the waiting list should Thursday roll around and someone not pay by then. Yesterday I...