Category Archives: Newborn Babies

Kaylie: Plano Newborn

Today the Tran family came over so I could take some newborn pictures of Kaylie! I was so happy to see this beautiful baby again!Thanks for coming today guys, I had fun hanging out with you all! Become a fan on Facebook and get updates on specials, and more!

Meet Genevieve

Here is a sneak peak of baby Evie from this past weekend. Evie was born into a very special family that owns and operates Covenant Farm, a training and boarding facility for horses. Her mom, Gwen and grandmother, Kathy have pretty much been riding and training horses their whole lives! I had the honor of...

Baby Sawyer

What a fun shoot! I love it when newborns arrive during times that I am in Ruston shooting anyway! It usually means I Jamie and I get to shoot and pose together, which I have such a great time with. This is one of Jamie’s shoots, and most of these she posed but these are...

Baby Cambell 9 Days Old

Here’s a sneak peak at Baby Cambell from this weekend. As you can guess from the first image these were taken in Ruston (and yes those are RUSTON peaches:). I ordered this hat last week especially for Cambell to wear in this picture that I have had in my head for over a year now....