Austin 6 Months

Thanks so much Hannah for bring flexible last weekend with the crazy weather and my crazy schedule! I had a wonderful time with you guys and can’t wait to do it again soon!

Here are some insights to my session with Austin for his 6 month pictures and his big brother Jackson. I hope you find these guys as entertaining as I did!


It’s always great to have a big brother to help you sit up when you are still wobbly.


Moms (myself included) usually laugh when trying to make their babies smile, and that is a mom’s most beautiful look.


It’s hard to smile when you have to work so hard to stay upright.


Hip adult hairstyles (especially ones that were hip when we were in high school) always look awesome on babies.


There is always someone looking up to you.


Be yourself.

To order prints from Austin’s session click on proofing at the top of the page and select Austin’s name. Or to schedule a session or inquire about session details fill out the contact section! Thanks!