Author Archives: Crystal

Jack and Eleanor

Autumn has this cute outfit by Jack and Eleanor that I photographed her in for a photo contest they are having on their facebook page! Go “Like” their page and “Like” Autumn’s picture so she can win a prize!

Orange Poppies On the Roadside

I would like to tell you that today I met my new friend Amanda in some beautiful park for a play date, and during our fun time of conversation and child watching I took these pictures. In reality, we met on the side of the I-5 near an overpass and let our kids watch cartoons...


Today Autumn got a present in the mail from Gran-Z and Gramps, her very own Pinkalicious doll! A couple months ago I saw the book Pinkalicious in a thrift store and thought it looked cute, so I bought it. Turns out both Josiah and Autumn love this book and want em to read it all...

An Evening At the Fair In Medford

Tonight we ventured out the the Davis Shows fair going on at the Rogue Valley Mall in Medford, Oregon and we had a blast! The kids were at the perfect age, and by that I mean they were not expensive! 🙂 We picked up corn dogs at DQ on the way, so all we bought...