Author Archives: Crystal

Camera Class Update!

I am so excited about our upcoming camera class this Feb. 13th! There was such a huge response that I have decided to teach a morning and an afternoon class because there isn’t another day I will have time to teach until late summer (if then). That means the first class will run from 9AM-1PM...

Baby’s First Valentine’s

This little cutie was over yesterday for her 3 month pictures and we took some specifically to send to her loved ones for Valentine’s Day. This is the last week to order Valentin’es Day cards in time to send them to school and to relatives so don’t miss out!

Porter, Round 2: Ruston Newborn

Like I said before one of my closest friends just had baby boy #3.  I went to hang out with Jamie yesterday and instead of bringing a meal I brought my camera (since I am a much better photographer than I am cook!).  Here is what resulted in round 2 of Porter’s newborn shoot! Porter...

Annabelle 6 Months

Here is my favorite shot from Annabelle’s 6 month shoot yesterday, isn’t she just gorgeous?! And for those of you photo enthusiast out there, this shot was taken using 100% natural light with a reflector to the left of the baby. Camera was set at ISO 200.

Camera Class for Moms- 2 Spots Left!

Sorry this has taken me so long, but I sat down and counted registration that are in and accounted for and I am still taking 2 more moms for my camera class! For any of you who said you wanted in the class but did not send your registration, you need to contact me asap...