Author Archives: Crystal

23 Year Old Single Male

Meet Caleb Jones. Caleb and I go way back to high school youth group (like I’m SO old right, ha!) and post graduation summer internships. He’s a totally awesome guy that is nice, kind, employed, educated, and single. Is this a personal ad? Nope, just a post about some headshots I did for him this...

1 Spot Opened Up for Saturday’s Class

One of my sweet ladies who is signed up for my camera class that will take place this Saturday, if very pregnant and her doctor is not letting her come. 🙁 She will be attending my next class instead. That means there is one spoy open for Saturdays class. This class is for mom’s on...

Triplets 4 Months

Today the triplets came over for their delayed 3 month pictures (they are almost 5 months, but their newborns were done very late since they were so premature). I have to say they were remarkably the easiest babies this age I have ever photographed, even though there were three of them. Their whole shoot broke...

Babies and Bellies

Yesterday evening Camille and her family came over to do her maternity pictures. This is Camille’s third baby, but first pregnancy session and she was a natural. Some women just do the belly thing so well and she is definitely one of them. Her husband and children were very patient to hang around, take pictures,...