Author Archives: Crystal

My Lucky Day

I am not a frilly girl. I don’t have crystal, or china, or a silver. But today my mom and I were thrift store shopping at our favorite local place and I found my very first tea set. That’s right I bought a tea set, and I am SO excited about it. My mom found...

Josiah- Drummer Boy

We got Josiah this cute little drum set for his birthday last week because he LOVES to drum. He has been “playing” drums on Rock Band with Brian since he could walk practically. Anyways, he keeps a pretty good beat and recognizes when the song speeds up and what not. His favorite song is “High...

Playing in the rain

One day last week it began raining in the middle of a warm summer day. It reminded me of the kind of day that I would go outside and play in the rain as a kid. We had this big old house with a tin roof in Athens, LA (does anyone know where that is?)...

Hayley’s Beautiful Pregnancy

Hayley drove up from Alexandria to get maternity portraits made today. It was wonderful weather, overcast, with a nice breeze. On top of that Haley was easy breezy to photograph. A great attitude, fun personality and genuine smile. She was joined my her hubby who was making her do more adventurous things for the shoot...

Contest Winner!

This past week was the Kool Kids consignment sale in Ruston. I look forward to these sale all the time. They are twice a year and each time it is so exciting. This year at my booth I held a drawing for a free session, plus all your images on a disk! We just did...