Category Archives: Children

Happy Volentines Day!

Sorry I had to. Here are some of my favorite from Jamie and Brian’s family session the other day. Jamie is the lovely lady who makes the awesome brag books (and lots of other cool stuff) I have been going on and on about. She and Brian have so adorable little boys and another little...

Little Cowboy Lane

Last week I got to meet one of my favorite client Layla’s cousins, Lane. I LOVE what his mom brought him in! His little cowboy get-up was so adorable. I just think kids with their own little styles are just so fun! Lane’s mom also owns a consignment store that I highly recommend! Become a...


I had the best time with this family of cousins last weekend. They chose a great location that was fun for this kids, special to their family, and beautiful to shoot at; paired with 5 beautiful faces, the shoot was a huge success! Here are a few from the session! All your images will be...