Category Archives: Newborn Babies

Baby Austin: Ruston Newborn

You might remember baby Austin when he was in his mommy’s tummy here. Today Austin came over for his newborn pictures and the first shoot in his series of 5 milestone sessions over the next 12 months in our First Year Program. Hannah followed the recipe for a great newborn session and brought Austin with...

Addison- Ruston Newborn

We finished up processing Addison’s newborn pictures today and oh my goodness what a beauty! So far her little doll picture had been a favorite with everyone, but here are a few more of this fun little personality! J’nell and Josh, you have a beautiful baby girl and I can’t wait to get to know...

JW- Shreveport Newborn

Yesterday I went to Shreveport to do JW’s newborn photos. Remember I told you how I did his mom’s maternity, wedding and bridals? It was so fun to go to their house and see pictures I had taken of their family up all over from those major events! Emily even had maternity pictures up and...