Category Archives: Newborn Babies

Matthew’s Newborn Session

Robert and Kim took my birthing class several months ago, and I was thrilled to do their baby boy’s newborn photos last week. Matthew gave us a hard time at first, but he inevitibly gave in after a couple times of feeding and comforting. Congrats Robert and Kim, he’s such a cutie! Thank Ms. Karen...

Rory- Ruston Newborn

Yesterday Rory came over for her newborn session fast asleep and with a full head of beautiful, dark hair!  She was so wonderful to photograph and I am so excited to be documenting her first year!

Madelyn Rose

Madelyn Rose was a Thanksgiving day ad in since last week was so packed full of shoots and I just had to photograph her before she got any bigger! She is such a sweet little girl and already outfitted with tutus, heels, pearls and feathers! I am so excited about capturing you throughout your first...

Hallie 6 Weeks

Yesterday Hallie came for her newborn pictures. She was a few weeks late for pictures so she didn’t sleep much, but that made for some really fun awake shots. Hallie is one of those little girl babies that just looks like a pretty little girl even though she is still so young. Her eyes are...

Baby Aubrey

Here are a few from Aubrey’s newborn session on Friday, when she came to visit me in Ruston. In true girlie fashion, she brought lots of fun things to wear. 🙂 Her lady bug Halloween swaddle costume was so cute.