Dear Autumn,
This is a tribute to you because lately I have realized that you are not a baby anymore, even though you will always be my baby, you are a little girl. You have a beautiful and unique personality that has shown me parts of our God that I might have never seen if He hadn’t given me you.
In celebration of some of your new milestones, skills and “big girl” ways of life, your big brother and I work on this little photoshoot with you so that we can all remember this time in your life and all the little sweet, precious and fun things you do, so here they are! These are the things we want to remember always about you and what you do.
The way you love to dance.
The way you hide so we can see you.
The way you give kisses all the time.
How you are such a free spirit and how that usually means you aren’t very modest 🙂
How you wave at people you have never met.
The way you hug and kisses all your bears and baby dolls.
The prissy little thing you do with your arms crossed.
How you like to point out your facial features.
How sweet you look when you are serious.
And how you light up the room when you laugh.
How you make sweet eyes.
How you explore the world.
The way you look at everything with fresh eyes of wonder.
The way you throw your self to the floor when you get mad.
The way you point to yourself and say “O-NOM”
The way you love to wear all those pretty things even though you are already so beautiful.
The sassy little way you hold yourself.
The way you are. We love you.
Josiah was such a great little assistant, hold down the light stand in the wind, and carry equipment! Oh and climbing on my back. 🙂