Author Archives: Crystal

Newborn Shoot in Ashland, Oregon!

After 3 months off of shooting, I had my first newborn shoot here in the Rogue Valley! The baby was from Talent, in the next town up and she is SO beautiful! Here’s a sneak peak. Full post to come! If you are located in Northern California or Southern, Oregon and would like more information...

Our New Life and Photography in Ashland, Oregon

Well hello there strangers! It’s been forever since I have sat down and blogged for myself! (I have been blogging for Share International, inc. a non-profit we volunteer for and support check out their website here.) So here’s a quick recap on my life: In November we packed up our life in Dallas and spent...

My LAST Camera Classes EVER in Louisiana!

Camera Classes for Kenya! In July my husband Brian and I will be going to the remote desert region of northwestern Kenya to film and photograph the Turkana people and tell their stories to the world. With our upocoming move across the country to Oregon at the end of the month, we have decided to...